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Tama Kieves | Tama’s Musings | Love Letter from Divine


Tama J. Kieves is a kindred spirit in the world of coaching. I often enjoy reading her email newsletters and this one received today is one of those rare beauties that I’m delighted to share with my readers.

Tama’s Musings reprinted with permission.

(Note: This was supposed to go out on Valentine’s Day, but we chose Divine Timing instead….)

A Love Letter from the Divine…

I want you to know that I love you very much. It doesn’t matter to me if you eat fudge ice cream in your vintage underwear in the middle of the night. And I think you’re precious, not following through on your Gratitude Journal yet, fourth year running. Beloved, I’m not the least bit concerned with those unsavoury thoughts about your ex. I am not limited to momentary facts. I know your shimmering nature. I know how AMAZING you are.

But if I’m honest, I am a little concerned about this. I wonder why you don’t trust the desires that have always been yours. You strive to ignore your wildest dreams because they feel so good, but I thought that surely you’d recognize their unrivalled power because they feel so good. Please know I supplied you with unstinting resources and a hunger strong enough to make any of your desires come true. And surely you’ve noticed a few of the lines I’ve written for you in some of the self-help books you’ve read. I keep putting those books out there and you even keep buying them. But, still, I find you sitting in the corner as though you are an orphan child, as though you’ve been abandoned without a key, a charm, a brand new GPS system and an entourage waiting just for you. I even hear you whisper, “I don’t know what to do.”

But I gave you a Free Pass. I gave you a Free Pass to the life that stirs your blood and strengthens your bones. Yes, of course there are challenges. But I thought you’d enjoy the thrill of the chase that way. I didn’t want to make it easy. I know your strength and capacity. I thought you’d find the deluxe wild ride entertaining. I didn’t think you’d ever believe that circumstances could stop you. You are unstoppable. You are branded with my love and with my infinite energy.  But here’s the thing. When you stop believing in your soul’s desires, you’ve stopped believing in me. When you give up on yourself, you don’t feel my Presence anymore. Now that just destroys me. I’ve sung to you from the radios and sent morning doves and dragon flies to mark your path. I’ve used your life coaches and therapists to tell you the truth. I whisper to you constantly. Sometimes I even press down on your heart or turn the flames up on your blood pressure. I’ll do anything dear one to reach you. I’ll never give up on you. I want you to know what you’re here for. I want you to stop denying what you know. Your doubt is poison. It is not protecting you.

Now I know that you think you will not be rewarded in the world for your singular expression, temperament, and abilities, but I tell you it is not true, dear one. You will know nothing but reward when you share your love. You will transform into another you, the real you, the one without limits, shame, fear or regrets. So dearest Beloved, I send you a thousand roses of Spirit and ten thousand dark chocolates of soul. I don’t want a tryst with you. I want the whole thing, the Grand Love Affair of watching you bloom and heal and let go of every false limitation you’ve ever believed about yourself or the rest of your shining world. These thoughts only make you tired. The truth would have you laughing and clapping and hugging every precious soul around you. I want you to burst through the density of this world with the power of your totality. I want you to know what it’s like to fully trust your love and not look over your shoulder. I want you to know I’ve got your back, your front, your sides, and your soul. I want you to honour your true desires because they are your arrows. And like Cupid, I’ve shot them through your heart. Cupid copied me by the way! Please know that whatever you choose–and whenever you choose it– you are loved and sustained in ways you can’t even fathom from your side of the veil. You are my Beloved and I’m always here for you.  Happy Valentine’s Day….everyday!

—Your Loving Universe

P.S. Stop watching the news so much. Your life is the news.


©Copyright 2008 Tama J. Kieves. All rights reserved.

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Tama J. Kieves
The Art of Living Your Dreams

“If you’re this successful doing work you don’t love,
what could you do with work you do love?”

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